Assisting Formerly Incarcerated People Transition Back into their Community

Bridging the Gap Between Incarceration and a Self-Sustaining Life in the Community


The level of compassion we extend to our returning neighbors is not conditional upon their past offenses. We believe in meeting people exactly where they are, at every stage of life.

We are a community of servants, dedicated to bridging the gap in services and support between incarceration and a fully restored life within the community.

We believe that every person’s life has inherent value. This belief motivates us to extend unconditional love and grace to the least among us.

As Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”

Matthew 25:40


The Mercer County Reentry Coalition is, at its core, a true coalition. We rely on the dedication of our members and partners, who share our vision of a safe and secure community for everyone. Explore the opportunities below to discover where you can make a difference.


Opportunities for partnership with our returning neighbors include providing supplemental support throughout their reentry journey. This may involve assistance with transportation, offering moral support, helping with forms and applications, and more.

Coalition Membership:

Membership is reserved for agencies, businesses, professionals, churches, and other organizations that have services or resources to contribute to the coalition. Contributions could include providing space for meetings, events, or client intake; assistance with IT, website or video creation; volunteer support or coordination, and more.

Financial Assistance:

MCRC is a 501(c)(3) religious charitable organization, fully funded by the Grand Lake community, as well as state and federal grants. All donations are tax- deductible. To contribute, simply scan the QR code and select “Reentry Coalition” from the drop-down menu.



Creating an environment for meaningful conversations about reentry, fostering actionable steps for progress.


Partnering with community members to identify service gaps at the structural level and leveraging existing resources to address these gaps, fostering a robust community reentry response.


Developing reentry pathways in collaboration with local community partners and expanding in-reach programs to include mentoring, support, and reentry planning.

THE FIRST 72....

The coalition aims to create an individualized transition plan for returning neighbors that will promote successful reintegration into the community, reduce recidivism, & increase public safety.

First 72 Minutes:

Returning neighbors should be connected with a reentry coalition to access essential resources.

First 72 Hours:

A returning neighbor should have their basic needs met, including access to food, clothing, and temporary shelter.

First 72 Days:

A returning neighbor should have proper identification, stable transportation, and connections to secure employment.

First 72 Weeks:

A returning neighbor should have permanent employment & stable housing.

First 72 Months:

A returning neighbor should be a fully restored citizen thriving in his/her community.



119 East Fulton Street

Celina, Ohio 45822


If you’d like to support the coalition, we are in need of the following items: